ACN: 603 157 473
Women and Wellness
Yarning Circle / Workshop
Women and Wellness
Yarning Circle / Workshop
Kupidabin Four Winds Cultural Centre
Kupidabin Four Winds Cultural Centre
7 Lyell Court
Mount Samson, Queensland 4520
7 Lyell Court
Mount Samson, Queensland 4520
Facilitator: Dr Noritta Morseu-Diop (PhD UQ)
Facilitator: Dr Noritta Morseu-Diop (PhD UQ)
The two days Yarning Circle and Workshop will address some of the core Wellness issues impacting on the everyday lives of participants. It will provide a unique insight into some of the ways in which to develop the coping mechanisms necessary to deal with some of the struggles and challenges in our life journey.
The two days Yarning Circle and Workshop will address some of the core Wellness issues impacting on the everyday lives of participants. It will provide a unique insight into some of the ways in which to develop the coping mechanisms necessary to deal with some of the struggles and challenges in our life journey.
Through the use of creative mediums, it will enable participants to explore some of the social, emotional, spiritual and cultural issues impacting on their health and wellbeing. The workshops will be both interactive and experiential and will encompass natural therapies, cultural ways of knowing and doing, Traditional Knowledge, cultural modalities such as imagery, symbolism, music, story-telling, song, dance and aromatherapy.
Through the use of creative mediums, it will enable participants to explore some of the social, emotional, spiritual and cultural issues impacting on their health and wellbeing. The workshops will be both interactive and experiential and will encompass natural therapies, cultural ways of knowing and doing, Traditional Knowledge, cultural modalities such as imagery, symbolism, music, story-telling, song, dance and aromatherapy.
The workshops will not only create a culturally safe space for participants to freely express themselves, it will also provide a unique opportunity for participants to gain a greater insight and understanding into some of their own personal truths and challenges in their life journey.
The workshops will not only create a culturally safe space for participants to freely express themselves, it will also provide a unique opportunity for participants to gain a greater insight and understanding into some of their own personal truths and challenges in their life journey.
(Scroll down for more information)
(Scroll down for more information)

Women and Wellness Yarning Circle / Workshop
Women and Wellness Yarning Circle / Workshop
Kupidabin Four Winds Cultural Centre
Kupidabin Four Winds Cultural Centre
7 Lyell Court,
Mount Samson, Queensland, 4520
7 Lyell Court,
Mount Samson, Queensland, 4520
Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd December, 2016
Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd December, 2016
9am to 5pm both days
9am to 5pm both days
$150 includes meals Or $100 if you bring your own food
$150 includes meals Or $100 if you bring your own food
A Note to Participants
A Note to Participants
Please note that we will be camping onsite at the Kupidabin Long House or you can bring your own tent & camping gear.
Things that you will need to bring:
1. food & non-alcoholic drinks if you don't want to pay the extra $50
2. Your own bedding (sheets, blankets & pillows) if you want to sleep in the long house.
3. A Towel or two, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap
4. Your own tent and camping gear if you wish to sleep outside
5. A torch or battery operated lantern
6. Something to share: lollies (just kidding) A story, poetry, dance, song, music (favourite CD), a skit or joke
***Please note: This is a non-alcohol event
***Please note: This is a non-alcohol event
For more information & Registration Form:
For more information & Registration Form:
For Payment:
Registration will be confirmed upon payment to:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB Number: 064-138
Account Number 1063 2400
For Payment via PayPal click on the links below;
For Workshop and Meals click here

For Workshop only click here

About the Facilitator
About the Facilitator

Dr Noritta Morseu-Diop, Indigenous Therapist / Senior Social Worker / Managing Director, Malu Mai Wellness Consultancy Pty. Ltd.
Biography: Dr Noritta Morseu-Diop is a First Nations Australian woman originally from Tamwoy Town, Thursday Island in North Queensland. Her ancestral heritage extends from mainland Australia to the Kulkalgal Nation to the Erubam Le and Ugaram Le and to the Dauareb Clan of the Meriam Nation. She graduated from the School of Social Work and Social Policy in 1992 at the University of Queensland, St. Lucia Campus.
Since that time Noritta has worked extensively in the grassroots Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and within non-Indigenous communities throughout the state of Queensland. The areas of her work include: grief & loss, bereavement counselling and support, criminal justice, prison rehabilitation, mental health, community development, cross-cultural education, social work and welfare education and training, drug and alcohol counselling, Indigenous health and human rights and social justice advocacy.
Noritta was awarded a PhD in Criminal Justice and Social Work at the University of Queensland in the School of Social Work and Human Services, St. Lucia Campus on the 22nd of July, 2010. She is a recipient of the UQ 2010 Dean’s Commendation for Outstanding Research and Higher Degree PhD thesis. Noritta is a 2011 Winston Churchill Fellow and a 2006 Australian Federation of University Women Fellow. She is a Co-Founder and current Board of Director of Gallang Place, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Counselling Services based in Brisbane. Noritta is the Founder and current Managing Director of Malu Mai Wellness Consultancy; a family owned company that is committed to addressing the social, emotional, cultural and spiritual well-being of individuals, families and communities on a local, national and international level.
The use of Creative Therapies
The use of Creative Therapies

Bring Poetry, Stories, Songs, Dances, Skits, Musical Instruments
Bring Poetry, Stories, Songs, Dances, Skits, Musical Instruments

More photos of Kupidabin Cultural Centre site of the Wellness Workshop
More photos of Kupidabin Cultural Centre site of the Wellness Workshop

The Road that leads to Kupidabin Cultural Centre
The Road that leads to Kupidabin Cultural Centre